Starting from 09:00 to 09:20
The rain does not fall far from the tree: Field study on the impact of trees presence on bioretention functionnality and longevity
Lanouette, Duchesne, Pelletier, and GrégoireStarting from 09:20 to 09:40
Nowcasting of high-intensity rainfall for urban applications in the Netherlands
Lin, Imhoff, Schleiss, and UijlenhoetStarting from 09:40 to 10:00
Evaluation of Precipitation Forecasts by Numerical Weather Prediction for Potential Use in Urban Flood Forecasting: A Case Study in Japan
ShibuoStarting from 10:00 to 10:20
Predictors for uncertainty reduction in commercial microwave links quantitative precipitation estimates
Špačková, Fencl, and BarešStarting from 10:20 to 10:25
Weather radar and IoT sensor networks: which information from which source?
Einfalt, Jahnke-Bornemann, Jasper-Tönnies, Kupzig, Neumann, and OppelStarting from 10:20 to 10:25
Multifractal comparison of three optical disdrometers and a mini vertically pointing Doppler radar, and consequences on rainfall extreme quantification in urban environment.
Gires, Santos de Souza, Jose, Schertzer, and Tchiguirinskaia