Starting from 09:00 to 09:20
Comparing hydrologic performance of blue green infrastructure design strategies in urban/semi-urban catchments for stormwater management
Adhikari, Kali, Broekhuizen, Sun, Sjöman, Randrup, Pons, Blecken, and ViklanderStarting from 09:20 to 09:40
Integration of field analysis and lab scale experiments for the hydrological performance assessment of pervious pavements
Evangelisti, Cozzolino, Altobelli, and MaglionicoStarting from 09:40 to 10:00
Quantifying catchment imperviousness for hydrological modelling
Loots, Smithers, and KjeldsenStarting from 10:00 to 10:20
Green roof evapotranspiration (ET) modeling: sensibility insights using a hydrological model
Ouedraogo, Berthier, Sage, and GromaireStarting from 10:20 to 10:25
Monitoring hydrologic performance and evapotranspiration of four experimental green roofs: first results after 16 months
Bertrand-Krajewski, Martins Masso, Krøyer Johnsen, Choi, Deplette, Paraz, Bonneau, Vacherie, Poncet, Perier-Camby, and GrimardStarting from 10:25 to 10:30
Monitoring and modelling overland and detention tank flow for a sewer-disconnected neighborhood in Denmark
Randall, Støvring, Buttinger-Kreuzhuber, Waser, and Meyer