Starting from 16:00 to 16:20
Application of water quality model to generate E. coli dispersion database for water safety prediction in the estuary of Tokyo, Japan
Poopipattana, Kumar, and FurumaiStarting from 16:20 to 16:40
Combining multiple approaches to assess water quality in an urban ecosystem: the case of the ancient canals of Padua, Italy.
Faccin, Carrer, Smania, Palmeri, and BarausseStarting from 16:40 to 17:00
Real-time monitoring of the GLUC activity in recreational waters: Does it give the whole picture?
Makris, Schilperoort, Hoefeijzers, Seelen, and LangeveldStarting from 17:00 to 17:20
Particle-associated Element Patterns: Effects of Stormwater Discharges in a Small Urban Stream
Rojas-Gomez, Benisch, Helm, Borchardt, and KrebsStarting from 17:20 to 17:25
Towards a warning system for the microbiological quality assessment of bathing waters: high-frequency monitoring combined with hydrodynamic modelling
Angelotti, Guillot–Le Goff, Leitão Rosa, Carmigniani, Malardé, and Vinçon-Leite