Starting from 09:00 to 09:20
Hydrologic Impacts of Retention Layers within Extensive Vegetated Roof Assemblies
Frizzi and DrakeStarting from 09:20 to 09:40
Is crushed concrete a sustainble solution to the challenge of phosphorus retention in nature-based solutions? A column study.
Pitropova, Vollertsen, Andersen, Søborg, Storm, Aggerlund, and RaabjergStarting from 09:40 to 10:00
Runoff volume reduction performance of a pervious detention basin located in a shallow groundwater and low-permeability soil context
Sage, Gallis, Payet, and BerthierStarting from 10:00 to 10:20
Reducing the Size of Stormwater Wetlands: A New Flow-Through Design Approach
Taguchi, Van Pelt, and HuntStarting from 10:20 to 10:25
Optimizing urban drainage systems in a tropical climate for TSS and COD reduction using low impact development (LID) controls
Cruz, Mendova, and Maniquiz-Redillas