Biographical Sketch
Anacleto Rizzo is M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, PhD in Engineering for Natural and Built Environment in 2013. He is an expert in water sustainable management (saving, reuse, recycling); nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment (constructed wetland); water management and climate change adaptation policy; ecosystem services; green and blue infrastructure; sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), co-design of Nature-based Solutions with citizens and stakeholders. Post-Doc in Numerical modeling of hydro-chemical processes in wetlands in 2014 (Politecnico di Torino). From January 2015 in-house consultant in Research, Development, Dissemination and Design for Iridra Srl; from April 2018 he became partner of Iridra Srl. He worked on more than 70 among feasibility studies and design projects on his specific topics (e.g., constructed wetland wastewater treatment plant or SuDS components). He worked since 2018 and is currently involved in several R&D EC Funded projects (H2020: HYDROUSA, PAVITR; MULTISOURCE, NICE; URBiNAT; ENI CBC MED: NAWAMED; Interreg: CWC, RES-EAU; PRIMA: AGREEMed; HE: P2GreeN, CARDIMED). He is author of 35 peer review papers (h-index 20; Source: Google Scholar 22nd Dec 2023) published on international peer review top-ranked journals, 57 conference proceeding for national and international conference, 29 book chapters as well as Editor of “Wetland Technology: Practical Information on Design and Application of Treatment Wetlands” (2019, IWA Publishing) and “Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment” (2021, IWA Publishing). He is co-chair of IWA Working Group on Nature-Based Solutions. He is also within the Editorial Board of Science of the Total Environment and collaborates as reviewer for different top-ranked peer review journals (e.g. Ecological Engineering, Water Science and Technology).