Starting from 17:00 to 17:20
Nudging the Digitalization in Estonian Water Sector
Truu, Annus, Kändler, and KaurStarting from 17:20 to 17:40
Sewer discharge data fusion for reduction of in-situ measurement uncertainty
Ivetić, Prodanović, Rak, Milašinović, and LjubičićStarting from 17:40 to 18:00
The role of open data in regulating Combined Sewer Overflows
Schellart, Sharp, Bertrand-Krajewski, and RieckermannStarting from 18:00 to 18:20
A framework concept for semi-automated quality testing & substitute value generation for low-cost precipitation & discharge data
Schulz, Niemann, and MietzelStarting from 18:20 to 18:25
Web-based interactive identification tool for critical source areas of urban diffuse pollution
Joseph, Haacke, Kluge, and PatonStarting from 18:25 to 18:30
Expanding access to hydrologic data: Supporting local environmental initiatives with an open access API serving urban water data from a 160+ sensor network
Schmidt, Nie, Lynch, Tobias, Borg, Marchionda, and Kerkez