Starting from 13:30 to 13:50
A low-cost, in-situ, automated sensor for nitrate and ammonia
Janmohammadi, Shi, and McCarthyStarting from 13:50 to 14:10
Assessing the utility of passive sampling for the monitoring of bacteria and protozoa in wastewater and surface water
Law, Becker, Parker, Weese, McCarthy, and MurphyStarting from 14:10 to 14:30
Monitoring sediment build-up in gully pots using temperature-based systems
Regueiro-Picallo, Fuchs, Rieckermann, Moreno-Rodenas, and Clemens-MeyerStarting from 14:30 to 14:50
Low-cost sensor networks to quantify the dynamics of suspended sediment yields in peri-urban areas
Ribeiro Marques da Silva, Russell, Fletcher, Cherqui, Navratil, and CossartStarting from 14:50 to 14:55
Estimation of Deterioration Heterogeneity in Sewerage Connection Pipes with Bias Correction Due to Data Missing
Yamanaka, Abe, Kawamoto, Sasai, and Kaito