Starting from 14:30 to 14:50
Simultaneous microbial detection in a stormwater catchment using passive sampling
Karamati Niaragh, Henry, Schang, Kolotelo, Palacios Delgado, and McCarthyStarting from 14:50 to 15:10
Exploring the use of mobile phone-based population dynamics for wastewater flow predictions in five Swiss catchments
Disch, Neuenhofer, Mahajan, Baumgartner, Ort, and RieckermannStarting from 15:10 to 15:30
Analysis of dry weather flow and pump performance using long term pump registrations as a proxy for direct flow measurements
Van Assel and KrollStarting from 15:30 to 15:50
Automated stormwater sampling through remote triggering using forecasts and real-time data
Van Hoey, Gobeyn, Roukaerts, De Vleeschouwer, Radinja, Renders, Vinck, and De BockStarting from 15:50 to 15:55
Integration of Eulerian and Lagrangian sensors for the rapid identification of contamination sources into the sewer system
Sambito and Freni