
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 From 14:30 to 16:00
7.1a – Special Session: Co-UD Labs

This session presents the core activities and key results of Co-UDlabs (Building Collaborative Urban Drainage research lab communities), a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructures (INFRAIA) programme. Co-UDlabs brings together nine partners from seven European countries and carries out several joint research activities on various dimensions of sustainable urban drainage, water management, and sanitation — including, among others, smart sensing and monitoring, assets deterioration, and resilient urban drainage solutions. Co-UDlabs has also actively worked to establish an international community on urban drainage, with networking and training activities that have reached out to industry, water utilities and local regulators, SMEs, early and junior researchers, and many other stakeholders. Co-UDlabs has also offered free-of-charge transnational access (TA) to 17 research installations through two global calls: over almost three years, the TA programme has granted access to over 220 users from more than 120 institutions from 43 different countries from all over the world.

This session introduces Co-UDlabs’ contribution to the consolidation of an international urban drainage community and presents key early results from several of the TA projects it has hosted and funded. A few final interventions will also introduce the main achievements and outcomes of the joint research activities performed within Co-UDlabs and key feedback from the project’s extensive training and dissemination activities.


Chair:                João Paulo Leitão, EAWAG (Switzerland)

Co-Chair:         Alejandra Pimiento Avella, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Speakers:         João Paulo Leitão, EAWAG (Switzerland)

Katharina Tondera, Ecole nationale des Travaux publics de l’Etat (France)

Jose Anta, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Spyros Pritsis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norwegian)

Bardia Roghani, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norwegian)

Manuel Regueiro, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Prabhat Jhosi EAWAG (Switzerland)

Ton Beenen, RIONED (Netherlands)

KaTharina Fuchs, Institut für technisch-wissenschaftliche Hydrologie GmbH (Germany)



Session agenda:

14:30 – 14:40   Introduction to Co-UDlabs and participants

14:40 – 15:00   Building the urban drainage community: European stakeholders’ visions and needs for UD systems

15:00 – 15:50   Co-UDlabs’ Transnational Access Programme: stories, results, and recommendations from new projects and synergies

UDC (Pristis Spyros)

IKT (Ton Beenen)

UDC (Bardia Roghani)

USFD (Manuel Regueiro)

EAWAG – UDC (Prabhat Jhosi)

INSA (Katharina Fuchs)

15:50 – 16:00   Main advances in Co-UDlabs’ Joint Research Activities, next steps, new opportunities, and conclusions

Location: Van Hasselt room / Van Hasseltzaal

Add to Agenda 11 June 2024 14:30 11 June 2024 16:00 Europe/Amsterdam 7.1a – Special Session: Co-UD Labs

This session presents the core activities and key results of Co-UDlabs (Building Collaborative Urban Drainage research lab communities), a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructures (INFRAIA) programme. Co-UDlabs brings together nine partners from seven European countries and carries out several joint research activities on various dimensions of sustainable urban drainage, water management, and sanitation — including, among others, smart sensing and monitoring, assets deterioration, and resilient urban drainage solutions. Co-UDlabs has also actively worked to establish an international community on urban drainage, with networking and training activities that have reached out to industry, water utilities and local regulators, SMEs, early and junior researchers, and many other stakeholders. Co-UDlabs has also offered free-of-charge transnational access (TA) to 17 research installations through two global calls: over almost three years, the TA programme has granted access to over 220 users from more than 120 institutions from 43 different countries from all over the world.

This session introduces Co-UDlabs’ contribution to the consolidation of an international urban drainage community and presents key early results from several of the TA projects it has hosted and funded. A few final interventions will also introduce the main achievements and outcomes of the joint research activities performed within Co-UDlabs and key feedback from the project’s extensive training and dissemination activities.


Chair:                João Paulo Leitão, EAWAG (Switzerland)

Co-Chair:         Alejandra Pimiento Avella, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Speakers:         João Paulo Leitão, EAWAG (Switzerland)

Katharina Tondera, Ecole nationale des Travaux publics de l’Etat (France)

Jose Anta, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Spyros Pritsis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norwegian)

Bardia Roghani, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norwegian)

Manuel Regueiro, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Prabhat Jhosi EAWAG (Switzerland)

Ton Beenen, RIONED (Netherlands)

KaTharina Fuchs, Institut für technisch-wissenschaftliche Hydrologie GmbH (Germany)



Session agenda:

14:30 – 14:40   Introduction to Co-UDlabs and participants

14:40 – 15:00   Building the urban drainage community: European stakeholders’ visions and needs for UD systems

15:00 – 15:50   Co-UDlabs’ Transnational Access Programme: stories, results, and recommendations from new projects and synergies

UDC (Pristis Spyros)

IKT (Ton Beenen)

UDC (Bardia Roghani)

USFD (Manuel Regueiro)

EAWAG – UDC (Prabhat Jhosi)

INSA (Katharina Fuchs)

15:50 – 16:00   Main advances in Co-UDlabs’ Joint Research Activities, next steps, new opportunities, and conclusions

Van Hasselt room / Van Hasseltzaal -


Starting from 14:30 to 16:00

To Be Announced

To Be Announced