
Monday, June 10, 2024 From 09:00 to 10:30
Opening Session and Keynote Prof. Mikkelsen – Reflections on 30 years of urban drainage research

The opening session, with welcome words from Pieter Janssen (Regional Water Authority), the JCUD chair (Prof. David McCarthy) and ICUD2024 Organising Committee.

The opening session will be followed by the first keynote of the conference, given by Prof. Peter Steen Mikkelsen from the Danish Technological University (DTU) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prof. Mikkelsen will reflect back on the evolution of research and set out his vision for the future.


Plenary Session

Location: Auditorium

Add to Agenda 10 June 2024 09:00 10 June 2024 10:30 Europe/Amsterdam Opening Session and Keynote Prof. Mikkelsen – Reflections on 30 years of urban drainage research

The opening session, with welcome words from Pieter Janssen (Regional Water Authority), the JCUD chair (Prof. David McCarthy) and ICUD2024 Organising Committee.

The opening session will be followed by the first keynote of the conference, given by Prof. Peter Steen Mikkelsen from the Danish Technological University (DTU) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prof. Mikkelsen will reflect back on the evolution of research and set out his vision for the future.


Auditorium -