Excursion – Historic Gouda shaped by Water
Situated at a 30min drive is the city internationally recognised for its cheese: Gouda. Beyond the creation of this traditional Dutch food, Gouda had a rich history starting in the 13th century. Situated on top of very peaty soil combined with proximity to the Hollandse Ijssel, water has in many ways shaped the city of Gouda that we see today. Land subsidence, droughts and an increasing flooding danger have started to become more pressing in recent years. In this tour, we will see how the latest developments in urban drainage are applied to solve a multitude of water based issues and see if they are up to the test in a city that has struggled against the perils of water for over 8 centuries.
Limited to 30 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Innovation in Amsterdams Water Cycle
Waternet covers the entire urban water cycle, from drinking water, urban drainage, transport mains and wastewater treatment in the city of Amsterdam. Circularity and climate change are two of the key drivers for adaptation of the existing infrastructure. In this tour, you will visit the Rivierenbuurt in Amsterdam, which was developed in the 1920s and 1930s. In order to reduce the vulnerability to urban pluvial flooding, Waternet has been updating the urban drainage, consisting of separate sewer systems, with an interesting mix of permeable pavements, infiltration facilities, storm water treatment, and green roofs. During the tour you will see how all these adaptations have been embedded in the urban fabric.
Limited to 30 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Rotterdam and sustainable and innovative solutions to flood, drought, and water quality.
Rotterdam, situated less than 15 km south of Delft, is a vibrant city having a long track record of very ambitious urban water management. The Rose Waterproject, which strongly connected urban development with urban water management, dates from the 1850s and Rotterdam has ever since been a frontrunner in urban drainage. In this tour, you will visit the oldest sewer pumping station of Rotterdam, situated in an historic building, a water retention basin situated below a massive parking garage, the famous water square and several novel blue-green solutions. A tour not to be missed!
Limited to 64 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Deltares Labs and Open Air Labs at TU Delft
Around the conference centre, there are a number of unique research set-ups. Deltares, a research consultancy that was initially conceived to design the Dutch flood protections but has expanded in expertise, hosts a number of unique facilities: the Delta Flume (a flume where 1:1 scale tests can be done for flooding simulations), -loop (testing high sludge concentration hydraulic transport) and Geo centrifuge to speed up soil-water processes by using 150g. Next to Deltares, we will visit Flood Proof Holland, where several open-air labs are build and operated for nature-based solutions. Lastely, we will visit the Green Village, a little neighbourhood on the TU Delft campus that functions as a unique test-bed for sustainable solutions for the urban environment. All within walking distance from the conference venue!
Limited to 30 people, no additional cost
Excursion – Finding the CSOs in Delft… by kano
The picturesque city of Delft seen from the plentiful urban canals that go through the city. Ones the intake point of over 130 beer breweries, the water quality of the canals deteriorated rapidly in the 18th-19th century as the city rapidly expanded. A combined sewer system was installed in and upgraded in the early 20th century, equipped with some 50 combined sewer overflows to avoid urban flooding. A special route has been set out for you, see if you can spot the outflow locations, whilst enjoying the canals, green areas and hidden tunnels.
Limited to 20 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Special Session – Stormwater Management in Latin America Countries: recent progress, experiences and lessons learned.
Effective management of water resources represents a priority and essential task to fight poverty, infant mortality and social disparities, promoting improvement in the life quality of the population, particularly in urban areas of developing countries. Stormwater management is an important element in urban water management, since its good management protects the environment and citizens health, as well as urban infrastructure and economic activities. In Latin America countries, after several years of academic development, the adoption of sustainable approaches in stormwater management by cities is accelerating. This round table explores part of these experiences and challenges, focusing on two main topics: (i) the regulation of stormwater management at national scale and (ii) the adaptation of nature based solutions by some big cities of Latin America.
In Brazil, the National Water and Sanitation Agency is in charge of stablishing the national regulation for stormwater management. This regulation will influence the development and implementation of the local municipal or regional stormwater regulation all over the country.
In Bogota, in Colombia, and in the northern cities of Peru, there is a growing interest and investment in adapting the urban environment towards sustainable water management. Sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) approaches are being implemented based on a careful planning process.
This round table explores these two relevant aspects of the Latin America Experience on Sustainable Stormwater Management. Speakers will be:
This round table is an initiative of the UNESCO IHP Wording Group on Urban Water and Human Settlement in Latin America and the CaribbeanCommissiekamer / Commissionroom 2 in the Conference Centre
Special Session – Serious Game development for sustainable urban water development – Organised by Aashna Mittal (TU Delft)
Adaptive planning is essential to address urban flooding and ensure that urban areas are well adapted to climate change, involving cooperation between diverse stakeholders: municipality, citizens, water boards, housing corporations, and urban planners in the Netherlands. Serious gaming has been shown to be an effective tool to help stakeholders cooperate. The objective of the “The Urban dRain game” workshop is to facilitate the collaborative development of climate-resilient solutions for a Dutch neighbourhood. Participants will be challenged to combine a variety of solutions stormwater management – nature-based solutions, such as green roofs and permeable pavements, with grey infrastructure measures like sewer upgrades. The goal of the game is to find a combination that is not only cost-effective but also enhances the liveability in the neighbourhood and mitigates the risk of urban flooding.
Projectruimte Noord 3 – Project Room North 3 in the Conference Centre
Special Session – Discussion on the Future Directions of Real-Time Control – Organised by Baiqian Shi (Monash University)
While real time control of single infrastructure elements for specific objectives like flood mitigation has been well-developed, real time control that optimises for multiple competing benefits (e.g. flood mitigation, waterway health, and stormwater harvesting) across integrated stormwater systems remains a huge challenge. Our workshop will address this need by bringing together experts from around the world to explore real time control strategies for stormwater infrastructure to meet multiple, often competing, objectives (e.g. flood mitigation, waterway health, and stormwater harvesting). The anticipated outcome of the workshop will be a white paper on the topic and a joint journal publication from the team
Commissiekamer / Commissionroom 3 in the Conference Centre
Excursion – Historic Gouda shaped by Water
Situated at a 30min drive is the city internationally recognised for its cheese: Gouda. Beyond the creation of this traditional Dutch food, Gouda had a rich history starting in the 13th century. Situated on top of very peaty soil combined with proximity to the Hollandse Ijssel, water has in many ways shaped the city of Gouda that we see today. Land subsidence, droughts and an increasing flooding danger have started to become more pressing in recent years. In this tour, we will see how the latest developments in urban drainage are applied to solve a multitude of water based issues and see if they are up to the test in a city that has struggled against the perils of water for over 8 centuries.
Limited to 30 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Innovation in Amsterdams Water Cycle
Waternet covers the entire urban water cycle, from drinking water, urban drainage, transport mains and wastewater treatment in the city of Amsterdam. Circularity and climate change are two of the key drivers for adaptation of the existing infrastructure. In this tour, you will visit the Rivierenbuurt in Amsterdam, which was developed in the 1920s and 1930s. In order to reduce the vulnerability to urban pluvial flooding, Waternet has been updating the urban drainage, consisting of separate sewer systems, with an interesting mix of permeable pavements, infiltration facilities, storm water treatment, and green roofs. During the tour you will see how all these adaptations have been embedded in the urban fabric.
Limited to 30 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Rotterdam and sustainable and innovative solutions to flood, drought, and water quality.
Rotterdam, situated less than 15 km south of Delft, is a vibrant city having a long track record of very ambitious urban water management. The Rose Waterproject, which strongly connected urban development with urban water management, dates from the 1850s and Rotterdam has ever since been a frontrunner in urban drainage. In this tour, you will visit the oldest sewer pumping station of Rotterdam, situated in an historic building, a water retention basin situated below a massive parking garage, the famous water square and several novel blue-green solutions. A tour not to be missed!
Limited to 64 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Excursion – Deltares Labs and Open Air Labs at TU Delft
Around the conference centre, there are a number of unique research set-ups. Deltares, a research consultancy that was initially conceived to design the Dutch flood protections but has expanded in expertise, hosts a number of unique facilities: the Delta Flume (a flume where 1:1 scale tests can be done for flooding simulations), -loop (testing high sludge concentration hydraulic transport) and Geo centrifuge to speed up soil-water processes by using 150g. Next to Deltares, we will visit Flood Proof Holland, where several open-air labs are build and operated for nature-based solutions. Lastely, we will visit the Green Village, a little neighbourhood on the TU Delft campus that functions as a unique test-bed for sustainable solutions for the urban environment. All within walking distance from the conference venue!
Limited to 30 people, no additional cost
Excursion – Finding the CSOs in Delft… by kano
The picturesque city of Delft seen from the plentiful urban canals that go through the city. Ones the intake point of over 130 beer breweries, the water quality of the canals deteriorated rapidly in the 18th-19th century as the city rapidly expanded. A combined sewer system was installed in and upgraded in the early 20th century, equipped with some 50 combined sewer overflows to avoid urban flooding. A special route has been set out for you, see if you can spot the outflow locations, whilst enjoying the canals, green areas and hidden tunnels.
Limited to 20 people, additional cost of €22.50 pp
Special Session – Stormwater Management in Latin America Countries: recent progress, experiences and lessons learned.
Effective management of water resources represents a priority and essential task to fight poverty, infant mortality and social disparities, promoting improvement in the life quality of the population, particularly in urban areas of developing countries. Stormwater management is an important element in urban water management, since its good management protects the environment and citizens health, as well as urban infrastructure and economic activities. In Latin America countries, after several years of academic development, the adoption of sustainable approaches in stormwater management by cities is accelerating. This round table explores part of these experiences and challenges, focusing on two main topics: (i) the regulation of stormwater management at national scale and (ii) the adaptation of nature based solutions by some big cities of Latin America.
In Brazil, the National Water and Sanitation Agency is in charge of stablishing the national regulation for stormwater management. This regulation will influence the development and implementation of the local municipal or regional stormwater regulation all over the country.
In Bogota, in Colombia, and in the northern cities of Peru, there is a growing interest and investment in adapting the urban environment towards sustainable water management. Sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) approaches are being implemented based on a careful planning process.
This round table explores these two relevant aspects of the Latin America Experience on Sustainable Stormwater Management. Speakers will be:
This round table is an initiative of the UNESCO IHP Wording Group on Urban Water and Human Settlement in Latin America and the CaribbeanCommissiekamer / Commissionroom 2 in the Conference Centre
Special Session – Serious Game development for sustainable urban water development – Organised by Aashna Mittal (TU Delft)
Adaptive planning is essential to address urban flooding and ensure that urban areas are well adapted to climate change, involving cooperation between diverse stakeholders: municipality, citizens, water boards, housing corporations, and urban planners in the Netherlands. Serious gaming has been shown to be an effective tool to help stakeholders cooperate. The objective of the “The Urban dRain game” workshop is to facilitate the collaborative development of climate-resilient solutions for a Dutch neighbourhood. Participants will be challenged to combine a variety of solutions stormwater management – nature-based solutions, such as green roofs and permeable pavements, with grey infrastructure measures like sewer upgrades. The goal of the game is to find a combination that is not only cost-effective but also enhances the liveability in the neighbourhood and mitigates the risk of urban flooding.
Projectruimte Noord 3 – Project Room North 3 in the Conference Centre
Special Session – Discussion on the Future Directions of Real-Time Control – Organised by Baiqian Shi (Monash University)
While real time control of single infrastructure elements for specific objectives like flood mitigation has been well-developed, real time control that optimises for multiple competing benefits (e.g. flood mitigation, waterway health, and stormwater harvesting) across integrated stormwater systems remains a huge challenge. Our workshop will address this need by bringing together experts from around the world to explore real time control strategies for stormwater infrastructure to meet multiple, often competing, objectives (e.g. flood mitigation, waterway health, and stormwater harvesting). The anticipated outcome of the workshop will be a white paper on the topic and a joint journal publication from the team
Commissiekamer / Commissionroom 3 in the Conference Centre